Sunday, June 14, 2009

Summer in Texas

Summer in Texas means mini-watermelon. Zoee is in heaven.

We've had an exhausting couple of weeks. Four weeks, five days, to be exact. Yes, that is how many days N has been in the world. And yes, we've loved every exhausting minute of it - even the ones that we couldn't wait to be over. (Crying at 3 am? Really little man, we all like to sleep at that time.) Because we've had so much fun, we've been pooped. N and E took a nap to relax and recoup from some recent excitement.
N's latest and greatest discovery... He's able to hold on to things. His favorite thing to hold onto is his pacifier. He really likes sitting in his swing and holding on to his pacifier. As a complete aside - E really hates this swing and as also sees it as an opportunity for teaching. Notice that N is leaning back against a polar bear. Next to the polar bear is very clearly - a penguin. This drives E crazy, but he has pointed out that he can teach N just how very wrong this is.
We've started having a lot of tummy time. N and E really enjoy hanging out on the floor. N thinks this is great for N. He doesn't so much love the term "tummy time". He prefers referring to this as "exercise".
Sometimes N loves tummy time. Sometimes N hates tummy time. Fortunately, during this particular session he was happy and excited. We managed to catch two of his newest feats at the same time. He's smiling AND holding on to a toy. E thinks he's very advanced. I think he's adorable. Regardless, he's one of the cutes pictures we've caught so far.


The Blevins' said...

okay that picture is the cutest ever. He is a very handsome little guy. I also love the one of him crashed out with Erich. Hope you guys are doing well. On another note, I have never tried to share the watermelon with the dogs...with the horses, yes (and they didn't like it), but I will have to try with the dogs.

The Falcones said...

Very cute pictures...I can't believe how quickly he is growing up!!

Sarah, Blake, Evan, Julia said...

Super cute - oh my gosh! He is a cute sleeper too. Erich just cracks me up.