Monday, June 22, 2009

My boys

Here are some recent pictures of our little man. He really enjoys having E around on the weekends. I do too! This weekend E took over baby duties and let me go shopping all by myself! It's pretty incredible what two hours out on your own will do for your sanity. Thanks to E, I was refreshed and ready for another week. Love you buddy!

N typically crashes out around 7 pm in the evening. This is right after one of his meals and right before he's supposed to take a bath. Sometimes it's hard to get him moving, but fortunately for us, N loves baths and always wakes up in a good mood when we dip him in the warm water. E was trying to wake him up, but it was kind of fruitless.

As we've mentioned before, there's something fun about styling our little guy's hair. We call this one the "Danny Zuko" a la John Travolta in Grease. I don't really think it works for him. Plus, moments after this photo it all fell back to normal. It's not like we're using gel or anything.

N likes to help with chores, so this weekend when E was doing yardwork, we came outside to supervise. He sleeps on the job from time to time, but I figure that's allowed.
The biggest N news as of late is that we've moved N out of our room! I'm still reticent to walk up and down the stairs multiple times per night, so instead of moving up to his room, he's upgraded to the office. When he's only waking up once per night we can move him upstairs, but I don't want to go up and down two or three times (or more!) during the night. Zoee is still very protective. N is napping in the Pack-n-Play in this photo and Zoee was in her position - protecting him. She's a very good dog.


The Falcones said...

He's so cute! Finally some pics with his eyes open!! = ) Can't wait to see him again (hopefully soon).

The Blevins' said...

so sweet. His hair is so precious. And i love how protective Zoee is. Cute pack n play by the way. We are about to start picking out all of that stuff. Sort of stressful if you ask me.

Rory-n-Jeremy said...

I love the one of him chillin' in the backyard! It just cracks me up! =)