Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Little things that thrill ya

After over a year of books-stacked-unceremoniously-on-the-floor, E and I decided it was high time to purchase shelves for them to live on. Tah-dah! Faulkner? You don't have to live under Calvin and Hobbes. Digital Signal Processing? No longer will you live next to the paperback we picked up at the airport. It's salve for our obsessive compulsive selves. Everything is organized. There are sections for everything. Textbooks, check. Religious books, over there. Books that make us think are just below books that let us escape from thinking. After a year of seeing all our beloved books wasting away on the office floor, this is certainly a nice change of pace. I'm sure they appreciate it too.

We got an extra bookshelf for the living room that currently houses all of our photo albums and new photos of our little man. Over all I think we really scored. They've even got mood lighting, which, as it turns out, it an excellent way to check on the little man in the middle of the night.

Speaking of that - last night he went down at 10 pm, got up at 2 am, then got up at 5 am. After six weeks of much more chopped up nights, it was like heaven. Let's hope it continues!

One other thing to note. We have doves. Two of them. They've taken up roost in the window above our front door, under the shade of the porch. I'm not really sure what to do about them, but it was kind of exciting discovering them there. I don't want to deal with any more poo than I'm currently handling though (diapers, anyone?) so I might have to find a way to relocate them to one of our trees. Ideas?

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