Monday, June 2, 2008

How do I love E?

My husband is perhaps the most understanding and fantastic man on the planet. He is wonderful. I cannot for the life of me find the words to explain why his sitting on the couch watching the History Channel gives me such joy, but here are a few reasons...
  • I am unable to do chores without help. Even if he doesn't feel like it, he feels like I shouldn't have to bear the burden of housework on my own. We're both working professionals, so we share the chores. I scrub, he vacuums. I launder, he mops. I think he feels that floors are manlier. We fold together, if you were wondering.
  • He loves cooking. When I sigh with exasperation, "Let's just order in; it's easier!" he replies with "In the time it will take for a pizza to get here we can make a fantastic stir fry! Let me pour you some Shiraz."
  • He comes up with exciting and interesting dates. "Let's make a coconut cake from scratch!"
  • He is fully willing to participate in my ridiculous plans (e. g. "Indoor skydiving?!? How can that go wrong? We're TOTALLY going!") -- For the record, we did go indoor skydiving and it was a hilarious fantastic time.
  • He understands my passionate love for the washing machine and refrigerator and doesn't feel threatened by them. (See here.)
  • He loves our dog as much as I do, but is better at resisting her beseeching cries for "people" food. (See here.)
  • He understands that when I say "I don't really want any ice cream" that I really mean "I'm going to feel like a pig if I have to eat ice cream by myself so I really want you to ask me if I want some because you want some and we can be chubby and happy together". (Once again, see here.)
These are just a few examples. Trust me, there are millions more. He knows everything there is to know about any animal you can think of. He can build things out of nothing. He can fix plumbing. He can fix ANYTHING. He pretends to know wine. He pretends to care when I'm passionately involved with my lime tree. He trusts me. He depends on me. And he knows that I can't function properly without his smile in the morning.

Tonight he made me stir-fry because I was pooped. And I had a glass of Shiraz and sat on the counter while we talked about our days. *Sigh* It's a good life.

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