Monday, June 9, 2008

Any given Monday

There are few things I love more than hanging out at our house. Seriously. I LOVE our house. We've established this. But there is indeed a collection of things that I value a great deal more than our house, and those include my adorable husband and my beyond cute doggie. Today I attempted to combine all of these things together in what I like to romanticize as "Sitting on THE Porch". I love the porch, as we've previously established. I've decided that the best use of my and my adorable (and patient!) husband's time is utilized by sitting our porch chatting in an animated fashion while our perfectly trained Labrador sits calmly at our feet. In an effort to make my dreams come true (to make me shut up about the dang front porch already?) my husband and I poured a couple of glasses of Shiraz and camped ourselves on the porch.

After approximately five minutes my dog became incredibly interested in why we were subjecting ourselves voluntarily to the outdoor air. She checked me out to make sure we were still alive, then quickly retreated to the inside of the comfy, carpeted floors. "Coward!" I call her.
After the departure of our puppy dog, my super-cute husband and I have a few more minutes of exciting and engaging banter before, *GASP*, I contract the hiccups. Really? REALLY? A certain R who went to the Simpsons movie with us at the Movie Tavern when I managed to get the hiccups through the entire final third of the movie will understand. These aren't quite the quiet, dainty hiccups that you think of with a refined woman. These are LOUD. These are in charge. These are hiccups worthy of an Emmy. These are movie-quality. These are A sized hiccups. So E, mortified, asks that we please retreat to the back porch where our neighbors cannot see. We head back inside.

I am still in love with our house. I still fully believe that my husband is the most incredible man in the entire world. I think our puppy is fully the most adorable piece of chocolate ever to grace this good Earth. But I sure wish I could have held off on the hiccups slightly longer.

There are only so many sub-80 degree nights that I've got left this summer...

1 comment:

kathleen said...

Mmm, sounds nice, though I think a frosty margarita would have made the heat more bearable. Maybe that is what your dog needs to get acclimated to TX?