Sunday, May 11, 2008

Rockwall Idol

When we first began our home search in Texas, we didn't have any idea where the city of Rockwall was. Somewhere in the Metroplex, but that's about all we knew. Nor do we really watch much of American Idol after the beginning part where the good, bad, and ugly get to sing (scream?) their hearts out on TV. So when people from work recommended looking out here, we didn't understand why every restaurant and shop seemed to have signs out front saying things like "We love you Jason!", "Support Jason Castro!", "Good luck Jason!", and the like. Who is this Jason Castro, we wondered?

Turns out Jason Castro is the dreadlocked hometown hero that captured the hearts of thousands of people with his singer-songwriter attitude on American Idol. The longer he was on American Idol, the more signs popped up. Not just in Rockwall now, but all over the Dallas area. Everyone LOVES him! So, because we don't watch American Idol, I listened to some of his music online. He's really quite good. I really like his version of Hallelujah. But apparently he's not the best, because he made it to #4 on the fabulously popular TV show and was then voted off. His fanbase here will never die though. Good job Jason Castro, though I've just moved to this town and can barely call it home yet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A whte boyt with dreads? It just isn't right!