Sunday, August 2, 2009

New Nathan pictures

Here are some recent pictures of N. We upgraded to footie pjs recently. They keep him warm and don't kick off. He can't bust out of them the way he can escape being swaddled. Beside, who can dispute the cuteness?
He likes to hold court with his animals in his bouncy chair. They've recently acquired names. Humphrey the zebra, Tim the crocodile, and Lily the elephant. Of them, Humphrey is his go-to guy for all major decisions. He's learning to trust Tim and Lily, but no major decisions get made without consulting Humphrey first.
He recently thought about taking up modeling and spent a good amount of time looking pensive while only wearing socks and denim. No shirts. He's very handsome. Check out that stomach. Zoee loves him...
He's recently start trying to push up on his arms. He likes to use the Boppy to help with this. And much like me, he apparently sticks out his tongue when trying something especially physically challenging. What seems silly on me is just adorable on him...

1 comment:

Lauren Eastburn said...

Love it! :) You make me laugh.