Saturday, August 29, 2009

N has a blankie

Before N was born, we received a ton of blankets for him. They were all beautiful and fantastic and we've had an opportunity to let him play on/use/drool on most all of them. He's liked all of them, but we've found that he likes this one in particular for holding onto (not necessarily laying on). I think it's the combination of softness, hole-y-ness, and lightweight-ness. Er-ness... Anway, he really likes it and I think it's cute when he hides his face behind it. Check out those baby blues peeking out...
Here's his favorite feature - the ability to stick his fingers through the blanket for optimum grasping.
Hiding is hilarious when he pulls the blanket down and sees us. I guess this is the start of peek-a-boo?