Monday, August 10, 2009


You're looking at the only way N is comfortable sleeping right now. Why, you might ask? Our little man is currently experiencing his first (and hopefully, but not likely only) ear infection. He's had a cold for the past week, but something still just didn't seem right, so we headed back to the pediatrician today.

Sure enough, his little cold has morphed into a full-fledged ear infection. E said that my "mom-dar" must be off the charts, because even though N was a little out of sorts, he wasn't doing anything particularly crazy. No fever, no inconsolable crying, nothing like that. He's just been a little fussier and stuffier than normal, but otherwise great.

E was super surprised by this whole diagnosis, because apparently in his family getting an ear infection meant days of moaning and untolerable pain. (According to him and his mom.) In my family (and my mom will back this up), ear infections are something akin to getting a cold. Or as E says, stubbing your toe. I'm hoping the little man keeps up the ol' family tradition of looking ear infections firmly in the eye and pretty much staring them down. So far he seems to be more of a trooper than we ever could have hoped for.

Now just hope he isn't allergic to antibiotics. E is, so this means that N has a 1 in 4 chance of not tolerating the medicine we just gave him. I can only hope that we don't see hives developing. Pray for us!

1 comment:

Meve & Co. said...

oh goodness...we will definitely pray for you.