Saturday, May 30, 2009

E sneaks in for another blog

Today was one of those special days in a new parent's life. The day you will never forget because it was so momentous and spectacular. Today was the day that A and I got to have a lunch date without baby N (this was the spectacular). It was also the day N decided he didn't want to take a nap.

A's family wanted to come and see the boy before they went on a quick trip to Europe. This was wonderful. We got to go out for lunch all because they graciously offered to watch N while we hopped out for a bite to eat. Sushi it was for A and me, and it was delicious. Who doesn't like raw fish mushed together in tightly rolled seaweed tubes covered in rice? Well it might not be everyone's cup of tea, but we sure like it.

So off we went, A revelling in her new found freedom. She's been at home with the little man for a whole week without me there to keep her company during the day. I'm sure she appreciated having some adult conversation and not having to worry about N and his current state of diaper messiness.

An hour later we were back home. From that point on, N was wide awake or deviously fooling us into believing that he was asleep. Whenever he was pretending to sleep we would gently put him down and walk away quietly so he could have his afternoon rest. Then he would spring his little trap on us like a ninja in the darkness. His trap was an audible assault that was only a smidgen less loud than a jet engine. It sounds something like a cat getting stuck in a garbage disposal crossed with an older gentleman passing a kidney stone in a public bathroom.

Luckily for us, I've read one book on child care. This magical tome has revealed to me the black art of quieting a fussy baby. So in I would swoop and N would quiet down. Of course A would swoop in too, but she hasn't read the book and had to rely on her natural parenting skills (of which I wasn't blessed with any, hence the need for me to read a book). So we would take turns walking around with N or letting him sit on us while we rested and he was awake. He would become rested just long enough for that dastardly little ninja to reset his trap. Like unwitting fools, we kept falling for the trap time after time and we would repeat the whole baby shushing process. After hours of playing pass the squawking baby, N finally decided to fall asleep a little before 10PM.

Like I said, today was a day we won't forget. Gone are those 2 weeks where he would take a nap and we could have a moment to ourselves. Ahh the good old times.

1 comment:

The Falcones said...

I'm reading the same book right now! I have the DVD version for Chuck to watch! I just have a funny feeling our little one is going to be a handful! = ) Glad to hear the techniques work!