Monday, May 4, 2009

Big news!

Over the past weekend we experienced a number of new things, including what are known of as Braxton-Hicks contractions. They went on for while, and when they were still persistant this morning, E advised that I call the doctor, just to be sure everything was a-ok. The doctor's office wanted us to come in for a visit today instead of our regular time of Wednesday. After checking me and baby N out (everything's super - no worries!), my doctor advised that they'd like to induce soon and had gone ahead and scheduled me for next Tuesday - May 12. We'll be 38 weeks, 6 days at that point, so everything should be good to go.

We head in on Monday at 11 am to check everything out, and depending on how that appointment goes, we'll check in to the hospital sometime between next Monday night and next Tuesday morning.

So here's hoping for the best in all these things. I think the news is still sinking in for both E and myself. It's amazing - this time next week we'll be in full-on baby prep mode. Keep us in your thoughts - it's going to be a big week.


Lauren Eastburn said...

OH MY GOSH, Amanda!!! :) We'll be praying for you! :) Keep us posted!

The Falcones said...

Wow! Congratulations! We had braxton hicks starting around week 26...a bit scary at first but now I'm use to them! Looks like yours are a bit more 'real'...can't wait to hear the good news next week! = ) Enjoy your LAST weekend of quitness/freedom!! = )

The Blevins' said...

WOW!! That's so exciting. We will be praying for a fast and smooth delivery. Can't wait to see pics of the little guy.