Sunday, November 1, 2009

Super Sick

This is E. I just wanted to put a non cute post up because ... well because I can. Clostridium Perfringens, A.K.A the "Buffet Germ." It struck A and me. Friday evening and let me tell you that food poisoning is something horrible. I haven't been that sick since I was 10. If I had to equate this to a similar feeling it was like I went out and drank heavily for 5 days straight but didn't get to have any of the fun and all of the bad after effects happened over the coarse of 6 hours. The next morning felt a lot like the scenario I just described as well, but that's getting me too far out of my timeline.

A and I had a nice date on Friday. I had been working a lot and finally had caught a break in my schedule. Besides, who wouldn't want to go out and have lunch with a beautiful woman while our childcare needs were being taken care of by paid professionals? So out to lunch and around town we went. 6 PM came around and I had to lie down while A took care of feeding N. 8 PM came around and I had to go talk to the comode. A was feeling pretty good at around 7:45 and decided to have a turkey sandwhich; the smell of said sandwhich drove my stomach over the brink.

My sweet, sweet wife was trying to take care of me, but I thought I had the flu or something contagious so I kept shooing her away so that there would be one unsick adult capable of taking care of Mr. N. 9 PM rolled around and A found out that a turkey sandwhich wasn't such a good idea. We were a sad and pathetic couple. Luckily we have 2 bathrooms on the first floor of our house. This was very fortunate indeed. At around 2 AM we both started feeling better. By better I mean we were all out of fluids to expel and no longer felt like we had to do a 5 yard dash to the bathroom every 30 minutes. If the 3 AM mark had rolled around I think I would have had to play the "Grandma come get my baby because I'm too sick to change a diaper let alone hold my head up for 15 seconds" trump card. But no such card play was needed.

N was fine and not traumatized by our neglect in any fashion. He slept like a baby throughout our entire episode. A and I managed to keep our sense of humor through the night as well. Several jokes were made and we even had a "Whose trip to the bathroom was the worst" contest at one point. The judges declared it a tie.

The next day was Halloween and Nonna, Pops, and Gigi came to see N in his outfit. We pawned off as much N duty as possible on them. They were happy to do it and we were happy to allow them the opportunity.

Besides the grandparents taking care of N the next day, I have to say the next best thing to have happen is that our diets are going AWESOME. I lost like 5 pounds in one day!!!


The Falcones said...

Oh no! Glad you both feel better!

Meve & Co. said...

yikes! so sorry this happened! N is too cute!