Tuesday, October 13, 2009

N gets a boost

N is getting more and more interactive. His five month birthday was yesterday, and in honor of that, here are some pictures of him. He's super duper handsome. Just look at those baby blues. I think they're defintely going to stay blue. I've swooned a little just now. Good thing I'm already married. Well, and we're related, so I'm pretty sure that's illegal and all. All I'm saying is he's handsome. Geez.
He's started making this new face - all the time. I don't know if his bottom lip is especially tasty or something, but he tastes it all the time. E decided to try it with him.
N loves his Exersaucer. He really likes to spin around and look at all the different toys. Check him out, playing. Okay, so he's still a little short, so we gave him a boost with a book about animals. He likes to read the book and to stand on it too. It's perfect for this purpose, but he can't wear socks while standing here. His feet just slip off, so we let him go barefoot.
If he looks shocked it's because I won't stop flashing the camera in his face. I stopped after this and we played with his toys. He really likes that one in the front where he can spin the wheels around and make noise. Noise is awesome.

1 comment:

Sarah, Blake, Evan, Julia said...

Too cute - You might want to check the exersaucer, they can be adjusted up and down. I'm sure you guys already know this, but it is the kind of thing I would never think to do.