Sunday, March 22, 2009

It all started with a mirror...

Remember how I decided I thought it would be great to replace a mirror with a framed one? And how after I decided to do that my loving and dedicated husband discovered that the mirror on the wall was glued to it? And even more than that - how after we figured we'd have to repaint, we might as well do something "exciting"? Well, here is a shot of the exciting orange color we picked for the walls...

After a few hours of "Do you like it?" and "Well, it's certainly bright and cheerful!", we decided that orange was not the right color for our little tiny half-bath. This was spurned on further by the fact that when the light was on in the bathroom, it shone a sun-like orange glow out into the adjoining rooms. Back to Lowes where we purchased a new, more subdued color for the bathroom. In addition to this, I decided that as long as we were repainting, we might as well replace the fixtures with ones I loved. Why stop at just paint?

Before you think I have anything to do with the fixing up of the bathroom, know that when in the eighth month of pregnancy they really frown on painting, especially in confined spaces. This is all being done by E - who is quite possibly the most patient and loving man in the entire world.

Pictures to come of the fully redone bathroom. We (read - E) still have to put up the second coat of the newer, more subdued color.

1 comment:

The Falcones said...

One word- DOUGISH! (I like it though for a small bathroom)