Saturday, February 14, 2009


Apparently when you're preggers you're supposed to lose your ability to balance, and for anyone as clumsy as I am, this notion is terrifying. In an effort to stave off the fact that I'm quickly growing top heavy, I head to the gym and always visit the stability discs. I like these little discs, because they make me feel like I'm doing something interesting. Plus, no one else seems to use them unless their trainer is with them, so typically there's no wait. The notion of the discs is simple. You stand on one with one foot, and do something with your other leg. My old trainer particularly liked to make me stand on a disc and kick the other leg out in front or behind me. So this is what I do on the disc, even now.

As we saw in my last post, the fact that I am with child is no longer something I can hide from the world. So there I am, in all my big belly glory, running, lifting, and perhaps most histerically, balancing. At least, these things all seem funny in my head. Today I had a nice man come up to me as I was putting the disc away and congratulate me. First for the baby, second for the ability to balance. He pointed out that he'd never been able to balance on a disc, and he didn't even have a growing belly to blame.

We'll see just how capable I am at these discs a month from now.

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