Sunday, September 7, 2008

Homebound weekend

This weekend marks the first in over eight weeks where E and I haven't either had to go somewhere, had people visiting, or were otherwise occupied with extensive things to do. In other words, this weekend consisted or absolutely no plans whatsoever. What do you do at a time like this? Household chores you've neglected for eight weeks, that's what.

E is in charge of mowing and trimming, so I tend to gardens and any plants that live in planters. Remember, I am a TERRIBLE gardener. I have a ficus given to me as a gift by a fantastic set of women (my mom and grandma), that I have successfully not killed for over six months now. However, it is on the brink of demise - almost always, since the day it arrived in our home. On a suggestion from both my mom and mother-in-law, I trimmed all branches that seemed dead and kept only the live limbs. This amused my husband so much that he took multiple photos of my poor plant. (He's named Ben - because the scientific name is ficus benjamina and we are nerdy, nerdy people.).And here's a picture of my dog, simply because I can't go an entire weekend at home without taking a photo of her. Notice how she's sitting in her doghouse... Also a gift from my grandma. She really likes it in there - especially when mowing or trimming is happening.
E was nice enough to stand by one of my alphias so I could take a picture of how tall it seems to be. It's growing fantastically and looks amazing. I'm very grateful for plants that require almost no attention from me. This one just seems to grow and grow. Next year, I expect flowers. (That dirt spot? That's from the sprinkler installation earlier this summer. Don't worry, it will grow back - or so I tell myself.)

We saw the in-laws for dinner, cleaned and manicured the house, and even managed to watch a movie on HBO (free until the end of the year!). Sunday after church we had fullfilled almost everything we had not planned for the weekend. So what to do next? Head to the driving range for some awful golf practice (in efforts to not be so terrible). We each hit a large bag and according to E, about 10% of our shots went exactly where we wanted. That's an improvement! And check out the awesome golf shoes I got on super sale at the Nike outlet for 85% off! Who can resist that? Not a budding golf junkie like me! Now all we have to do is watch the Cowboys beat the Browns and eat take-out Chinese. It's been a great weekend.

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