Sunday, April 25, 2010

Spring in Texas

It's springtime in Texas, and we've made the most of the beautiful weekend we just experienced. Yesterday we took N to the Fort Worth zoo and wandered around for hours. He really liked it, but I think he liked looking at the people more than the animals. Everyone had a blast.

Today we took him to the bluebonnet fields just on the outskirts of town for pictures. In Texas every spring tons and tons of wildflowers bloom on the sides of the highways thanks to Lady Bird Johnson. Well, and the weather that is conducive to flower growing. Here are some pictures of us in the wildflowers. Please excuse the squinting - N refuses to wear sunglasses, even though he's got them.

1 comment:

The Falcones said...

So very, very cute! He is getting big. We can't wait to see him next week and celebrate his 1st!