Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sitting at the big table

As of late, N has been eating pretty much whatever we do. Don't get me wrong - he's still eating plenty of baby foods too, but it's been recommended that we let him try pretty much whatever we're having. He seems to like it, but what he doesn't like is sitting away from us in his high chair.

Now, we're making a serious effort here to eat together as a family. I say serious effort, because pre-N all meals were eaten either standing around the sink, sitting on the couch watching TV, or at a resturant where someone else did all the hard work. None of these scenarios really work for the little man, so we've been trying, really trying, to all sit down together and eat - including grace and everything. It's very VERY hard for me and E, but we're doing it for the kiddo.

All that said, N really likes to be near us while we're eating. We bought him a new chair that attaches to the table so that he can sit at the same level with us and be near enough to be dangerous during dinner. (Keep your condiments out of baby reach, is all I'm saying.) Regardless, he LOVES this new chair and sitting at the big table, so here are some pictures of it.


Meve & Co. said...

love the chair!

Lauren & Phil said...

I've never seen a chair like that. What a cool contraption!