Friday, March 26, 2010

Plans versus reality

Today's plan:
* Get up, enjoy leisurely breakfast with family.
* Drop N off at daycare and head to a half day of work.
* Enjoy lunch with the hubby while speculating about new baby's gender.
* Attend sonogram appointment to find out baby's gender.
* Go buy new baby cute coming home from hospital clothes.
* Pick up wonderful happy smiling son, N.
* Enjoy the beautiful day outside together at the park.
* Dinner as a family.
* N goes to bed, head out with some girlfriends.
* Come home and spend time with the wonderful hubby.
* Bedtime for me!

Today's actuality
* Get up, try to get N to take a bottle but he doesn't want it - no fever and still good mood though. Maybe because of hiccups?
* Drop N off at daycare with the warning that he wouldn't eat for us, but is happy otherwise. Head to work.
* Get in car to go to lunch, have message from N's school about baby with potential stomach bug. No fever, so still okay to have lunch, though now both of us worry.
* Finish lunch and receive call from N's school that he's, yes, actually really sick. Head straight to N's school to pick him up.
* Impromptu visit to the pediatrician. Make sure son isn't dehydrated. Swear to doctor that even though N has just eaten 3 oz of formula sitting in her office that he hasn't eaten ANYTHING else all day. Swear.
* Head to sonogram appointment - this time with N. N behaves fantastically the whole time we're in the waiting room.
* Go into actual sonogram appointment. Commence tired baby whining/crying. New baby looks fabulous. All parts of new baby. All parts except the ones that tell us if the new baby is a boy baby or girl baby. Legs firmly crossed. No uncrossing in sight. Leave without knowledge of baby gender, but with now sleeping baby and knowledge of a healthy one on the way.
* Put now sleeping baby in car and head home, skip all shopping.
* E gets emergency call from work. Skip park as family in favor of E going to work and A & N walking the dog around the neighborhood.
* Feed N half a bottle instead of dinner as family.
* Still go out with girls upon husband's insistence. Have very good time recounting weird day, also experience sympathetic words at not being able to know baby's gender yet. Text husband repeatedly to make sure sick baby is fine. And also that he is fine.
* Head home, eat ice cream and blog while watching TV with husband.
* Head to bed.

Not exactly what we expected. However, N will be fine. Someday we'll figure out the new baby's gender. Ice cream is delicious and my husband loves me. Overall, not such a terrible day afterall.


Meve & Co. said...

you handled today well.=)

AJ said...

Ha ha. Nothing ever goes as planned, does it? Maybe you can buy a cute green or yellow coming home outfit today :-)

The Blevins' said...

very nice. Way to roll with the punches. Hope Nate feels better soon and that you are feeling well yourself.

ale mar said...

im also from texass ;)

check out my bloggggg