Monday, November 15, 2010


This is E again. We had a very interesting experience a couple weeks ago and we thought I should share.

We had a sad event in our lives, my grandmother passed away. On short notice, we loaded up the boys and headed up to MO. This was no easy task and the normal 8 hour drive took a bit more than 11 and a half. As any red blooded American male can tell you, dawdling around on a road trip is a sin second only to missing the Superbowl. It was a stressful drive to say none the less.

We got there and payed our respects. We reconnected with a lot of family that we haven't seen in a while. And of course, N was there to lighten the somber mood with his cheery innocence. He and his granddad are great pals and they spent a good deal of time down in the breakfast area of the hotel. He made friends with the other guests, people who were just walking by, and the staff. His biggest accomplishment was finding his nose and anyone else's that he was close enough to point at. He was a huge hit.

Unfortunately N was battling some seasonal head mucous that generated a pretty bad cough and we needed to get back to TX so we could administer some breathing treatments. So after the second day we drive back (late at night so the boys are sleeping) get home about 1AM and everyone crashes. N wakes up, he's getting his treatments and is feeling much better. B is still a pretty good traveler right now and was pretty much unfazed by all of this. A and B go off to visit some of her friends while N and I stay at home most of the day so he can "rest." Resting for a toddler means sitting still for about 10 seconds longer than normal. But he kept getting his treatments and was sounding much better by the end of the day.

10:45 PM - N wakes us up and sounds horrible. So bad in fact that I take him to the ER in his PJs. We get there and they do all kinds of things including taking some chest x-rays. He is very freaked out and tired and will not let me put him down. He wants to sleep and it's hard to hold a 27 pounder in your lap so I climb into the hospital bed with him. The doctors keep coming in and out running tests and telling me what they've found out. It turns out he had some chunks of crud in his lungs which they tell me is pre-pneumonia. I'm informed a good dose of antibiotics and an oral streroid will set him straight in no time (and it does). At around 1 AM, they're done poking him but we can't leave yet so I raise up the little rails on both sides of the bed, turn out the lights, and lay down with N on my chest. He's very happy and comfortable.

I'm exhausted after a stressful past few days and nights. I'm still a little concerned about my boy but he seems good for now. I close my eyes and let quit of our dark room surround me. Then quite unexpectantly I feel this little finger go up my left nostril and N asks me a one word question. "Nose?"

I smile, remove his finger out of my nose, and say, "Good job buddy. Nose. Now go to sleep." He quickly zonks out as only a toddler can. I realize everything is going to be all right before I catch a few winks prior to coming home.

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