Monday, September 27, 2010

Pulling through

Today we had a big big day. It was a BIG day. B had his second surgery, known as a pull through (but having a fancy pants medical name too), today in his path to correct his birth defect. Turns out it was a huge success. We left B with the very capable surgical team at 7:30 am and weren't able to reconnect with him until about 3 pm. Seven and a half hours pass before we get to be with him again. Seven and a half hours of him being under the knife. It was... Terrifying. Thankfully our family came to sit with us in the waiting room and to help with N. I know they don't feel like they did much, but having people to talk to and knowing that N was in good hands was more than they know.

B did fantastic. His prognosis coming out of surgery is wonderful. Right now he's resting, kinda doped up and looking as beautiful as the day he was born. I can't wait until we can come home. Some number of weeks after this we'll have a third (and final, fingers crossed) surgery to be done with all this.

Thank you to everyone, again. We appreciate the prayers and good thoughts and well wishes. There's still a lot for us to get through, but you know what - I know we're going to get through it just fine. We'll pull through. (Haha.)

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