There are some things most dedicated dog owners know, but will be reluctant to tell for fear of sounding absolutely bonkers. Corn chip feet is one of those things. That's right, feet. I challenge you to find a dog owner who doesn't know that dog feet smell like corn chips. It's happened to the best of us, without our knowledge or consent. You're sitting there, scratching a happy dog between the ears and you catch a whiff of something all too familiar. Is someone having Frito pie? Is there bean dip you're missing out on? Someone, somewhere very near you, has opened a bag of corn chips.
It takes a few minutes to realize that no one is in fact eating anything. You start looking around, sniffing for some errant chip that escaped during your last shin-dig. Nope. Nothing. Your dog looks at you and sniffs around as well - they are, after all, happy to help. Your sniffing leads your right to... The feet. Corn chip feet.
I firmly believe that any dog owner that won't own up to this knowledge either has an outside-only dog, is lying, or has completely lost their sense of smell.
I know you're tempted to try it.