Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Family pictures

Work is ridiculous right now, but my sister-in-law made time for our whole family (Erich's side) to get together and take pictures.  Emily Melson is magical with our kids and took some absolutely incredible pictures of our little ones.

Take a peek, let us know what you think.  I love them, but then again, I'm their mom.  :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Last (wo)man standing

We just finished a fantastic weekend.  We visited family, went to a party, just generally hung around with the four of us...  It was great.  Until Sunday night.  At some point during the weekend two of the four of us contracted some kind of nasty stomach bug.  Apparently it's going around.  E and N were down, no doubt, but B and I were holding strong.  I was Lysoling everything.

I thought after Monday we were in the clear.  Maybe, you know, because I wasn't sick yet and B seemed fine.  Tuesday afternoon we got a call from N & B's school that B was running a fever and lethargic.  He didn't have the same symptoms as E and N, so E took him to the pediatrician.  Apparently one of his tubes got plugged up, so he had an ear infecction.  Oh, and pinkeye.  Because that makes sense.

So now instead of one nasty stomach bug at my house, we also have some kind of cold that can cause extreme congestion (leading to ear infections in little ones) as well as pinkeye.  Things come in threes, right?

Our kitchen counter is covered with medicine, Sprite, Pedialite, and breathing treatments.  Oh, and Lysol.  We cannot have enough Lysol.

I'm really glad I can get my flu shot tomorrow.

PS - Nothing says love like hugging your toddler who has thrown up on himself.  Even though I had peeled all his clothes off I still had to take a shower.  This is because he threw up again - on me this time.  These are things I never experienced before being a parent.  The weird part?  It's super duper yucky, but you just do it.  They're your kids, and you do anything.  Now I know how my mom was always able to just grab the nasty thing (what was it?!?) in the sink, throw it away, and wash her hands like nothing happened.  I think it gets built into your genes when you become a mom.