Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Today is day 2 of what we're calling snowmageddon. We've had a terrible ice/snow/sleet/freeze storm (along with a bunch of other states around the country) and we've been trapped inside our house for two days. I will caveat with the gratefulness that we have a nice warm house with food and water and electricity and gas - so we aren't suffering all that much. But we are feeling a twinge of cabin fever. Pair that with weird schedules because we can't go to work given the kids' daycare is closed and the fact that we're all a little tired, and you get some punchy people.

Tonight I made dumplings from a friend's recipe (yum!) along with steamed broccoli and cauliflower for dinner. (And a delicious concoction of rice cereal for the almost 6 month old who refuses to eat what the rest of us are eating. I'm looking at you B.) Anyway, apparently N thinks dumplings are the best thing since sliced bread, so he's working on his second (very large) bowl, while E and I were eating at a more human-pace. You know, where you can actually talk to each other instead of just saying "More please" with your mouth full. I'm trying to take N's enthusiastic eating as a complement while talking to my husband.

E: What'd you season these vegetables with?

A: Just kosher salt. Why?

E: I'm remembering that I just really don't like cauliflower.

A: Looks at him quizzically.

E: I just wanted to make sure you didn't season the vegetables with horrible or something.

A: Right, because in between the salt and the onion powder I keep shakers of "horrible", "awful", and "I can't believe you're going to make me eat this".

E: I know, so I was just making sure.

A: Laughs

E: Laughs

N: Laughs because mom and dad are laughing and spits dumplings all over the table in the process Uh oh. More please!